
Dewa Sanzan Shrine


4.5 (2725)

Haguroyama-33番地 Haguromachi Touge, Tsuruoka, Yamagata 997-0211, Japan

Forest trails, shrines & sweeping views on 3 sacred mountains representing past, present & future.

hourglassDuration: 00h20min

phone+81 235-62-2355

clockOpening hours

Mondays: See website

Tuesdays: See website

Wednesdays: See website

Thursdays: See website

Fridays: See website

Saturdays: See website

Sundays: See website


2725 review(s)

ヤン 3 months ago

This sacred shrine is at the end of uphill 2,000 steps


Thanyaporn Saerevatanawoot 4 years ago

Cultural tourist place that makes you feel travel back in time. Five stories pagoda is not far from the entrance. However, in winter the pavement quite slippery due to snow and ice on the ground.


Gon Shoham 4 years ago

We started at the five floor pagoda, and instead of walking for 45 min we took our car. It was a ten min drive, and 400 yen fee. But the trip was worth it, the temples are beautiful and when we were there it was raining which only added to the atmosphere. You only need around 15 min to see the complex, and an hour for the entire complex (including the drive)


Leandra Birch 4 years ago

What a wonderfully beautiful place. Climbing all 2,000+ steps is doable, but was definitely a workout for myself and those around me. The shrine itself is interesting, but the interaction with the Yamabushi monks and the amazing peace of the climb up and down are what makes this one of the best visits on my trip to Japan. The 300-500 y/o trees are the reminiscent of the California redwood forrest, just smaller, though magnificent all the same. Also, visiy the small museum in the visitor's center (take shoes off and take hallway on right).


Chris Hall 6 years ago

Fantastic to visit. Bit of effort to get too if you take into account trains buses and walking but it's well worth the effort in my mind. It was raining heavily day I came but still went all the same due to effort I put in to get here, the rain cleared and ended up being a beautiful walk all be it wet. Climb up is not step considering everything so not hard it however is a effort all the same. A little over 2000 steps isnt easy. You are able to catch a bus up and down but you miss 90% of the beauty that way also.